Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Small update

Bux.to Ltd. is fully aware of the need to make payments to members who have been waiting a long time. These payments tend to be larger and require more audit work. Over the next few weeks members will see an increase in the number of these payments. The frustration some members feel waiting for a payment is understood. All honest, legitimate members will be paid, but members who attack Bux.to Ltd. cannot expect to be paid ahead of those who wait patiently. Attacking and trying to damage Bux.to Ltd. only slows the payment process.

Members are asked to watch the next few weeks, check the payment proofs and success stories and see for themselves the older payments being cleared. Bux.to continues to offer the opportunity, to all honest members, to earn money at a time when the world economy. It is said actions speak loader then words so the account holders wait patiently to see the results of this policy. We once thought this would change peoples daily lives and some actually left there jobs, but what online investment has showed us its just as risky as the stock market.

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