Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Update on whats been going on with

For the past year the company has been eagerly trying to implement a new script. There in the final stages of the script development stage according to the one of the Administrator's.

The next module to be tested is the admin module, which was tested this weekend. Once this is done, modules integration testing will be carried out to make sure everything flow smoothly together. Now the only issue is over the course of the rummer of a new script being release in the past year they have lost many supporters. The update was attended to solve many of there problems, but it seams more problems are emerging every day.

I can confirm to you that is a legitimate business. Have no fear about that. will be at the top where it was and all honest members will gain from it. always kept paying its honest members also during the times when problems caused by outside factors influenced the speed it should be done. will pay all honest members who wait for a cashout and all who file a new cashout. So it was said, and believed but many beg to differ.

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